SMN Reunion Pages
- Y2K Reunions
- Class of 1960
- Class of 1965
- Class of 1990
- Past Reunions
- Class of 1978
- Class of 1978
- Class of 1979
- '79 Followups/ Pictures
- Class of 1959
SMN Alumni Sites

Click here for the Class of 1979 reunion pages

Submit your personal/professional web site to The Shawnee Mission North (Kansas) Indians WebRing (NOTE: If you want your pages or web content posted and maintained directly on the WWW.SMN-RAB.ORG web domain, there is room to spare. Contact Webmaster@SMN-RAB.org for direct support)
Web Site Contents
(Put your web site on the SMN (Kansas) WebRing!)
Page # - Detail
- Important Facts
- Reunion Committee Contact List
- Room Rent - Medical Arrangements
- Reunion Event Schedule - July 23, 24, and 25 - 1999 (updated 4/30/99)
- SMN Wearables Order Form - Hats, T-Shirts, Sweatshirts
- Reunion Remittance Form
- Yearbook Supplement Input Page (WEBFORM)
- Extra Credit - Feedback from You (WEBFORM)
- Extra Extra Credit - Your Pictures Wanted
- MIA List (Missing Persons - updated 4/1/99)
- Sponsor's Ad Page
- Mt. Everest Diet (Room for More Sponsors)
- Golf Tournament Details
- Golf Tournament Entry Form (WEBFORM)
- How to Grab the Text Versions of Our Forms
- Add a Site to The Shawnee Mission North (Kansas) WebRing
- RETRO - Reunion 1989 Info
- RETRO - Reunion 1999 Info and Pictures
I'd like to thank the Class of '78 and '79 reunion committees for letting me participate in their projects - These pages owe a lot to the original and continuing efforts of Kathy Whitaker Pedersen, Laurie Buehler, Anna Lea Roof and all the other underappreciated nuts on and OFF the reunion committees. I sincerely hope that we'll be able to assist other classes with their 20th and future reunions.
We're doing better all the time, but you can see there are still quite of a few of our fellow classmates who are apparently "lost in space" (sorry about that - couldn't resist). So, here's the deal. If you know where they are, if you know where YOU are... well... - TELL US!!!! See how simple that is! And amazingly effective too!
Dave Lawrence
Submit your personal/professional web site to The Shawnee Mission North (Kansas) WebRingNOTE: In order to be added to the ring, you must be able to add a small bit of content to the site you refer to below...
This Shawnee Mission North (Kansas) Indians - WebRing site owned by SMN - Reunions and Beyond.