SMN Reunion Pages
- Y2K Reunions
- Class of 1960
- Class of 1965
- Class of 1990
- Past Reunions
- Class of 1978
- Class of 1978
- Class of 1979
- '79 Followups/ Pictures
- Class of 1959
SMN Alumni Sites

- SMN '99 Reunion Committee Contact List
- Tell us how we can contact you!
- Help us keep track of you for future events
How to grab our text forms and e-mail them to us:
Until we get you comfortable with the AUTO-EMAIL FORMS built into our web pages (we're working on it), the other most consistent method for filling in the blanks and sending us your info toot-sweet is to "cut (copy) and paste" the text parts of our forms into email messages.
First, (in Windows, anyway) click on the text at top-left and drag the mouse to the bottom-right (or vice versa) to highlight all the text you want to copy. Release the mouse-button and then press Ctrl-Insert once (hold the Ctrl key down like a shift key and press the Insert button (just above the Delete key), then release the Ctrl key) to copy the text to the Windows buffer. You won't see anything spectacular, but the highlighted text has been copied to a place in memory, waiting to be pasted somewhere. (The click and drag part is the same for Macintosh users, but you may have to click on the web browser's Edit menu to find out how to copy the text to the buffer.(Probably (Apple)Command-C))
Next, open your email program, start a new message, move to the body of the message, and press Shift-Insert to paste the text into your message. (Mac users press (Apple)Command-V to paste)
Fill in the blanks (delete all the underlines if you want), and mail it to us!