SMN Reunion Pages
- Y2K Reunions
- Class of 1960
- Class of 1965
- Class of 1990
- Past Reunions
- Class of 1978
- Class of 1978
- Class of 1979
- '79 Followups/ Pictures
- Class of 1959
SMN Alumni Sites

Believe it or Not....
Important Facts to Remember: (and there may be a quiz later)
We need your personal contact info and SMN Yearbook Supplement INFO even if you can't come to the reunion. "Inquiring minds want to know" who you are now, where you've been, what you've seen, and what you are doing these days - so,PLEASE, be creative, have fun, and most important of all - send it!
Again, if you know of anyone who didn't graduate with us (changed schools, different class, just released from prison, etc.), who wants to join us - Hey, the more the merrier! We'll gladly add them to our list. We have a few already!
****Oh, and one more thing, about the MIA list - HELP!****
So, keeping all this in mind (for as long as you can hold it in), give us a shout.
Seriously, you may be thinking that July 1999 is a long way off, and that not hearing from "just you" won't make a difference. But, so far, there are over 400 "just yous" out there. Plans have to be finalized and deposits made based on numbers attending. Don't set this aside and don't let the little ones use this for paper airplanes. Take a moment now, and in the great words of NIKE® - "JUST DO IT!" We expect to hear from you soon!! PASS THE WORD!!
- SMN '99 Reunion Committee Contact List
- Tell us how we can contact you!
- Help us keep track of you for future events
- www.PlanetAlumni.com
- www.delphi.com/smn79
Non-reunion information links: