SMN Reunion Pages
- Y2K Reunions
- Class of 1960
- Class of 1965
- Class of 1990
- Past Reunions
- Class of 1978
- Class of 1978
- Class of 1979
- '79 Followups/ Pictures
- Class of 1959
SMN Alumni Sites

The search engine that gives you the facts before you visit.: returns web site information for 95 percent of the web sites, including: the business/mailing address, email address, web site age and popularity.

UPDATED 8/4/99
The "current" list is shown below (page down), but please read on...

IF YOU ALREADY HAVE CONTACT INFORMATION (your own info or, perhaps, for someone who you suspect may be in danger of falling thru the cracks*) AND CAN SHARE IT IMMEDIATELY, PLEASE CLICK HERE AND FILL IN THE BLANKS - IT WILL SAVE US LOTS OF TIME AND TROUBLE IF YOU DO!
* Maybe you are the only WWW wired person in your group of friends and acquaintances - do them (and us) a favor and fill in the blanks for them.
This page is dedicated to the memory of our fellow Indians who have passed on ahead of us:
Marylyn Crawford, Charles Lukinac, Kevin Luther, Christopher Mitchell, Matt Peachey, Charles Pirtle, Joe Waltenman, Gary Wetzteon and James Winfrey
The list of the lost, abducted or escaped.....
- Marty K Archer
- John R Bale
- James Michael Barksdale
- Anne Kristi Barnes
- Eric J Blankenship
- Cole J Blanset
- Michael Bojcek
- J Don Book
- Lisa Michelle Brooks
- Darren Lee Brown
- Linda S Brown
- Michael Dale Bundy
- D Mark Campbell
- Michelle Chandler
- Dawn Elaine Cowen
- Deborah Catherine Curtis
- Elizabeth Ann Day
- William Mead Dickinson
- Lan Bich Thi Dinh
- William P Duncan
- Carolina Figueroa
- Chrysis D Gabel
- Carol L Gamble
- Randy A Geiger
- Brian George
- Paula M Godfrey
- Patti R Greene
- John C Grignon
- Jeannie J Ha
- Brian David Hill
- Teresa Lynne Maloney
- Marcus A Marchant
- Juliet Lyn Matamua
- Deborah L McBrayer
- Timothy J McCall
- Michael D McClure
- Peggy D McCue
- Vickie M Melton
- Jennifer J Miller
- Linda D Moore
- Paul Robert Moore
- Kathleen A Murphy
- Charles E Neal
- Huong Ngoc Nguyen
- Maureen O'Connor
- Steven R Odoi
- Steve Park
- Lori Jon Perkins
- Hilda Marie Pierce
- Richard Todd Pinney
- Catherine L Pollard
- Mary L Reynolds
- Michael W Sarver
- Susan Marie Schofield
- Mark A Scott
- Lori G Shirey
- Julie A Simpson
- Mary J Spencer
- James C Springer
- Claudia Devaul Stark
We're doing better all the time, but you can see there are still quite of a few of our fellow classmates who are apparently "lost in space" (sorry about that - couldn't resist). So, here's the deal. If you know where they are, if you know where YOU are... well... - TELL US!!!! See how simple that is! And amazingly effective too!
This Shawnee Mission North (Kansas) Indians - WebRing site owned by SMN - Reunions and Beyond.