SMN Reunion Pages
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- Class of 1978
- Class of 1979
- '79 Followups/ Pictures
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SMN Alumni Sites

This Shawnee Mission North (Kansas) Indians - WebRing site owned by SMN - Reunions and Beyond.
(The stuff on this page was scanned from my original reunion hand-out from 1989 - I corrected most of the obvious scanning errors, and some left over from the original entries... thanks for your patience, and send any comments or corrections to DML@northwestern.edu. More will follow, as time permits, and new entries for 1999 trickle in... )
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Friday Night casual get together at Saddle & Sirloin Club on Mission Road and 105th in Lenexa.
JULY15, 1989
DINNER 7:30pm
DANCING 9:OOpm-1:00

Beth Adair
Matt Kincaid
Janet O'Connell
Ann Roof
Jenny Schleicher Zimmerman
Connie Arnold Sherman
Julie Hahn MadI
Susie Millard Helgel
Patti Devine Willhite
Yeva Zakaryan Schorgel
Kelley Shelton
Lori White Scott
Robin Rose Mesh
Anne Kapsch Harrison
Kelly Ryan
Mike Kukuk
Don Palermo
Kevin Hooper
Steve Sears

Special thanks to these classmates and any other fellow graduates that contributed to the Reunion weekend. *Thanks also to Steve Sears and Frito Lay for donating the munchies. Also thanks to Yeva Schorgel for the creation of the yearbook cover.
Memories of SM North
Wild parties at Julie Hinkle's house and seeing John Kauk's stomach everywhere.
When security was backed up in a long lunch line, kids about driving assemblies.
Going to Sea Base in Florida in studying 10 minutes.
Stewart Wear & Doug McCown's burnt orange school colors.
Spring Break 1979 when Lisa Weber wore a fake Afro and got busted.
Sean Football Championship in 77. Every day I think.
Hearing Hatfield Packers - Swedish Exchange Student.
Sports & Activities
Playing in the tennis Topeka Tournament - it never forget!
Falling down the stairs earlier that week and they got hurt, already in cast.
Working the State Championship Swimming when they the chair from state.
Campfires with an all-star Perry.
Plymouth Roadrunners - street racing, Colorado.
Plymouth Troubleshooting Contest '79 drill team spring show when I got to know, and fell in love with, not just the woman of my dreams but with the woman that gave me courage to chase after my dreams - thanks Wilky.
Caroling at the Plaza for Christmas.
S.M. Park
The parking lot
Daddy Joe's
Johnson Drive
Cruising Metcalf
Nashville Replay
Band Room Pizza Hut
North Park
Palm Beach
Gary's Submarine
In the car
Shopping malls, movies
Where the group was.
The soccer field
Pizza Hut
Coach Eley's back room
Julie Hahn's House
Jack's Bar
Anywhere - with friends.
The old Post Office
Gravel Lot
Phil Heying's locker
Cruising/Prendergast's car
Grand Emporium
Dave Merrill's
The library
Kelly Ricker's Pool
King Louie Metcalf
Oak Park Mall
SOP's, Bo's
Straw Hat Pizza
Tom Tilden's Basement
The Streets
Baseball practice!
School parking lot.
Peter's Drive In
Pottery Studio
Anywhere we could dance.
Football Games
Friday Specials
Three O'clock Bell
Homecoming Parade
Working backstage on plays.
Cheerleading/Drill Team
Working on 'The Mission'
Drill Team & Tennis
Drill team spring show
Should I really write this?
Drill Team/Pep Rallies
Indoor Soccer
Dissecting Fetal Pigs
Competing with the Mathletes
Study Hall
A.R.T. Shows
Being Baseball Manager
Assemblies and the ladies.
Swimming and Yell leading.
Miles Morley
Miss Pennington
Mr. Taylor
Harold Stafford
Mr. Means
Bill Kirchner
Ms. Jeter
Carolyn Jeter
Miss Plump
Dave Farson
Frank Robertson
Miss Suffer
Vein Binar
Mr. John Sparke
Mr. Young
Mr. Levine
Mr. Alpaugh
Mr. Ed Hallman
Dave Farson
Mr. Gish
Miss Aboussie
Judy Spencer
Mrs. Geitz
Dr. Dave Farson
Mr. Schneider
Mr. Morley
Greg Brantman
Sergeant Welch
Paul Young
Mr. Tom Coker
Mr. Lundgrin
Mr. Fernetti
John Sparke
Miles Morely
Gertrude Welch
Jim Hanson
Ted Haubein
Bob Stauffer

Jimmy Carter is President
Energy Plant Three Mile Island, PA., shuts down after Nuclear accident
Many states limit gasoline lines to odd-even days
FAA grounds DC-10s after Chicago crash kills 272
Congress bails out the Chrysler Corp. with $1.5 billion loan
US suspends Iranian Oil Imports and freezes assets in retaliation for taking of Theran Embassy Hostages
Estate of Karen Silkwood, contaminated employee of Kerr-McGee Plutonium Plant, wins $10 million judgment
The Russians invade Afghanistan
First unmanned exploration of Jupiter was sent (Voyager I)
Margaret Thatcher becomes Brit-ain's first woman Prime Minister
Cambodian capital falls to Vietnam while thousands flee to Thailand
Steelers win the Super Bowl over Dallas 35-31
The Shah of Iran is forced to leave the country and the Ayatollah Khomeini takes over
John Wayne dies at the age of 72
Larry Holmes retains the heavy-weight title with TKO over Ernie Shavers
Lou Brock made his farewell to New York baseball a memorable one as he stole his 938th base, setting a new major-league record
1979 is declared the "International Year of the Child
Pres Carter announces the US will accept 14,000 refugees from Indochina per month
Carter gives approval to new MX missile system, which is to cost
Jogging became the major leisure sports activity in US
Susan B Anthony appeared on new dollar coin
Children's books with scents became popular
Mother Theresa awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
Tracy Austin, 16, is the youngest US Open tennis champion in the world
Interferon produced to fight viral disease
First vaccine for leprosy was produced
Solar collectors were developed Thinsulate was developed by 3M for clothing
Tops in TV:
The Walton's
Archie Bunker's Place
Real People
The Ropers
Eight Is Enough
The Right Stuff
Sophie's Choice
The Executioner's Song
Aunt Erma's Cope Book
The White House Years
Superman regalia
Anti-Iranian Dartboards & Posters
Hot Tubs
Computer Games
Video Games
Sony's Walkman
Straight hair
The China Syndrome
Kramer vs. Kramer
Apocalypse Now
The Deer Hunter
Rocky II
The Amityville Horror
The Jerk
The Main Event
All That Jazz
Breaking Away