SMN Reunion Pages
- Y2K Reunions
- Class of 1960
- Class of 1965
- Class of 1990
- Past Reunions
- Class of 1978
- Class of 1978
- Class of 1979
- '79 Followups/ Pictures
- Class of 1959
SMN Alumni Sites

The 1999 reunion was July 23-25, 1999... but there is more to come!
** We're leaving these pages here mainly as suggestions for future reunion web sites - scroll on down for reunion details **
This Shawnee Mission North (Kansas) Indians - WebRing site owned by SMN - Reunions and Beyond.

Check out the new SMN-centric web domain:
Shawnee Mission North - Reunions and Beyond
20-Year REUNION 1999!
HEY! If you care about this and future reunions,we really need your help finding missing persons. <- Click
All the planning in the world won't bring about a fun reunion if we can't find you! So...
...help by filling in the blanks on these pages (info posted here will be used for SMN reunion purposes only - PLEASE send your contact info, even if you don't plan on attending):
>>- Enter your current personal contact information -> CLICK HERE
Thanks! We'll only use your info to update our reunion contact databases, and that data will only be used for reunion purposes. Please send your info ASAP.
Reunion Schedule
( ./'./"Stonecutters cut it on stone... woodpeckers peck it on wood... ./'./" OOPS! Sorry, wrong musical...)
Friday - Mixer - July 23rd, 1999 - Unless something HUGE is concocted in the meantime, some of us will be at Pitchers*, at the Marriott out by 109th and Metcalf (something like that) on Friday night 7/23/99 (after 6pm) to hobnob.
*Plenty of parking, taxi service, etc... a great DJ last time I went... got my girlfriend so worked up, she blew her knee out doing the Bus Stop. No kidding. She's recovered. I may never... from her... if I'm lucky.
ALSO, WHILE YOU ARE READING... I've started a little something new... tell me what you think about the rough concept, and let me know what, how, when (IF) you'd like to add/suggest/provide something. www.smn-rab.org or smn-rab@topica.com
(we can work around SM school district policy, yes we can, and still deliver all the info they would if they had the person-power, time and intestinal fortitude)
See you soon!
Dave who-still-doesn't-believe-in-forms-cause-there-are-too-many-lame-web-browsers-out-there Lawrence (check with your group(s) of friends - this has not been centrally coordinated)
Saturday - Casual Dinner - July 24th,1999 - dinner at Homestead Country Club (6510 Mission Road in Prairie Village)
Sunday - BYOE Potluck Picnic - July 25th, 1999 - Antioch Park - 10am til the cows come home (picnic details - click here)
Oct '99 - Homecoming Game - September 24th, 1999 - Be there for the Secret Indian's OTHER Reunion...(YES! the 24th, believe it or not... *NOT* October 15th, 1999... go figure)
(Watch this page for new events scheduled for the fall and winter of 1999) another Possible School Tour, Holiday Hobnobbing...
The Shawnee are a proud people with a proud heritage. They live by the sayings of Chief Tecumseh:
"Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people. Love your life, beautify all things in your life. Show respect to all people and grovel to none. When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies within yourself."
SMN '79/'99 Reunion Committee Contact List
- Tell us how we can contact you! (Text and WebForm versions)!
- Help us keep track of you for future events
- www.PlanetAlumni.com
- Current Sports Schedule at North High School (Wichita) (how official HS web pages oughtta be done... content-wise... hint-hint... climb aboard the Clue Bus, eh?)
- www.delphi.com/smn79
- www.travelnow.com/usa/kansas/city/shawnee_mission_hotels.html
- kansascity.com: Your Home On The Net.
- cmtgroup.com/links/
- www.siteshack.com
- www.highschool-reunions.org
- www.reunionregistry.com
- www.alumnicentral.com
- www.kcstar.com/sports/highschool/prep.htm
- www.riverport.com/tixkc.htm
- www.merriam.org/history.htm
- www.web-reach.com/reunion/kansas/links.html
- www.cityofshawnee.org/oldshawneetown.htm
- ms.metafind.com/
- history.cc.ukans.edu/heritage/old_west/indian.html
- history.cc.ukans.edu/heritage/kshs/places/shawnmis.htm
- www.sunflower.org/~hdqrs/
- www.sunflower.org/~hdqrs/sindex1.htm
- www.oplin.lib.oh.us/PPF/ohioans/indians/links.html#person8
Medicine Prayer Click to Listen
"Newecanetepa, weshemanitoo weshecatweloo, keweshelawaypa" The Great Sprit is the friend of the Indians; Let us always do good.

This Shawnee Mission North (Kansas) Indians - WebRing site owned by SMN - Reunions and Beyond.